Online Postcard

U care: tell us about your experience with urticaria!

Urticaria day (UDAY) remains a day where urticaria patients are the focus of attention. Now in its 6th year, UDAY is the opportunity to raise awareness of urticaria among patients, their families, doctors, politicians, the press and the rest of the world.

And we want to hear from you!

What are your experiences with urticaria? What do you wish people around you would know about the condition? Is there a favorite activity that helps you during flare-ups?

Feel free to share your experience with us by using our online postcards to upload images, share paintings or drawings, write poems or to express yourself through writing on the topic of urticaria.

send a postcard with your experience!
Hi, I'm Bodo. The worst about my Auto allergy beside the Thing itselfs ist that None of the doctors I've Met hast heared about it. It took one year to find one who helped and even they Seen to not Share experience. Also Nobody Take time to listen to ne and IT feels Like fighting die xolair. Ragards Bodo
I have had urticaria in my elbow joint for three months now. I simply ignore it.
I have had urticaria in my elbow joint for three months now. I simply ignore it.
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