
Urticariaday2021 - Who cares? ucare!

What is UDAY?

Urticaria Day (UDAY) is the day when urticaria patients are the center of attention. Now in its seventh year, UDAY is the opportunity to raise awareness of urticaria among patients, their families, physicians, policymakers, the press and the rest of the world.

So, join us on October 1st, 2021 and organize your own UDAY event!

A big focus this year will be on digital UDAY initiatives. Whether it's a virtual congress, educational webinar, digital art project, social media campaign, or urticaria app, every contribution counts!

And we can do more, too. What better way to start a regional support group? Help spread the word about UDAY to friends, family and other sufferers!

Be creative and share with each other about UDAY! Don't forget to post your events on the official UDAY website to make your personal UDAY a success.

Urticaria Day 2021 is supported by the urticaria network e.V. (UNEV), the UCARE network and many organizations worldwide that are committed to improving the lives of urticaria patients.
